Use Dorkbot for Automated Vulnerability Discovery
If you need to scan a large number of domains for a specific web app vulnerability, Dorkbot may be the tool for you. Dorkbot uses search engines to locate dorks and then scan potentially vulnerable apps with a scanner module. This tool is useful if you're managing a large number of hosts and aren't sure what may be vulnerable and what may not. It's also useful if you're a black hat looking to compromise as many machines as possible in a short time, not that we condone any black hattery here. Before we get started, I'd like to explain the concept of a dork a little bit further. Dorks are a way of using search engnjines to locate vulnerable web apps. If you're thinking "that's just Google hacking," you're correct. They are essentially the same thing, though Google hacking generally has fewer negative connotations. Essentially, when we use dorks, the goal is to search out a vulnerable application and either note it or attempt to exploit it